Abaks: Drivers
Last time we introduced Interface Adapters with servant to serve a HTTP (REST) API.
But we've been left with some Sem r
-based definition we have to transform to fit in servant types:
Let's start by setting the layout:
main = do
let settings = setPort 8080 $ setHost "" defaultSettings
eventSourcingSettings <- EventSourcing.mkFileSettings "abaks-aggregates.json"
runSettings settings $
serve (Proxy @API) $
hoistServer (Proxy @API) (hoistHandler eventSourcingSettings) server
The key here is hoistServer
which takes a function to convert Sem r a
to servant's Handler a
And, surprise surprise, hoistServer
is a classical interpreter:
hoistHandler eventSourcingSettings =
. ExceptT
. runFinal
. runError
. Random.runRandom
. EventSourcing.runFile eventSourcingSettings