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Homelab: Monitoring dashboards

Gautier DI FOLCO September 10, 2023 [ops] #ops #nix #nixos #monitoring #lgtm-stack

Even though I'm not a huge fan of Web/GUI, setting up dashboards can help discoverability and debugging (especially if your alerts where not properly set).

While I could set up a basic dashboard to help with the USE Method, Grafana has a community-driven catalog.

First, we have to export a bit more metrics:

services.prometheus.exporters.node.enabledCollectors = [

Then, we can import few interesting dashboards:

services.grafana.provision.dashboards.settings.providers =
    fetchDashboard = { name, hash, id, version }:
      pkgs.fetchurl {
        inherit name hash;
        url = "https://grafana.com/api/dashboards/${toString id}/revisions/${toString version}/download";
        recursiveHash = true;
        postFetch = ''
          mv "$out" temp
          mkdir -p "$out"
          mv temp "$out/${name}.json";
    dashboard = name: fetchArgs: { inherit name; options.path = fetchDashboard fetchArgs; };
    (dashboard "Node Exporter Full"
        name = "node-exporter-full";
        hash = "sha256-ZiIsNaxPE5skpDykcugveAa3S8sCjR9bA9hbzyz7kvY=";
        id = 1860;
        version = 32;
    (dashboard "Node Exporter"
        name = "node-exporter";
        hash = "sha256-2xgE0m3SUFiux501uCVb4aH3zGfapW/SmfxRsFC/514=";
        id = 13978;
        version = 2;
    (dashboard "Docker"
        name = "docker";
        hash = "sha256-RdTcQxdBvbgKGrlhQB1obLrrJENcuRgZ92ZVj06Oiww=";
        id = 10619;
        version = 1;
    (dashboard "Loki Stack"
        name = "loki";
        hash = "sha256-9kM8MrXuL0TD2Z1Uhs4Lp0mNAazLnVfZZk5argdSoRU=";
        id = 14055;
        version = 5;
    (dashboard "AlertManager"
        name = "alertmanager";
        hash = "sha256-Yvw0DGQJpqBYNzE4ES/x7ZAYF7iJ4SUNBKB+sJRuGBw=";
        id = 9578;
        version = 4;
    (dashboard "Restic"
        name = "restic";
        hash = "sha256-XDYT2VAJQ97rRO3kIysH7X980YCFhyEwr2rOMmHqljg=";
        id = 17554;
        version = 1;

Quite basic but it gives a historically-backed view of Barracuda.

Next time we'll see how to set up alerting to wrap-up.