Homelab: Monitoring Withings
I have a simple morning routing starting with:
- Getting up
- Opening the shutters
- Making my bed
- Petting my cat (eventually, opening the door to let her out)
- Emptying my bladder
- Getting on my Withings smart scale
Each Sunday, I take additional measurements, and I log them and my week's average week weight in a multiple-years LibreOffice Calc (don't judge...).
For the record, I was using Fitbit until Google acquired it (and degraded it: 1, 2, 3, etc.).
The thing is, there's no way to get week average weight, so, after few months of manually making averages, I dirtily pushed withings-weights.
To illustrate my journey through monitoring (especially alerting), I would like to add some metrics and alert (as I would do for business systems).
I have found prometheus-client on hackage which is a great fit (and prometheus-metrics-ghc, servant-prometheus, wai-middleware-prometheus).
Let's start with generic code:
main = do
-- ...
register ghcMetrics
let servantPMW = prometheusMiddleware defaultMetrics $ Proxy @API
run serverEnv.serverPort $ prometheus def $ servantPMW $ app serverEnv oauthEnv info
We can highlight three parts in the above snippet:
register ghcMetrics
add the GHC metrics in the global metric registryprometheusMiddleware
is a middleware which collect metrics aroundservant
is a middleware which add further instrumentation aroundwai
and a/metrics
endpoint to display collected metrics
Then we can define few metrics:
data WithingsMetrics = WithingsMetrics
{ lastChecked :: Vector Text Gauge,
There are few kind of metrics:
: always increasing valuesGauge
: variable valuesSummary
: observations made over time
all of them being floating point numbers (Double
Vector a m
are partitioned metrics (m
) or labels (a
Let's instantiate them:
main = do
-- ...
register ghcMetrics
metrics <-
<$> register (vector "username" $ gauge (Info "withings_last_checked" "Last time a User checked his/her stats"))
<*> register (vector "username" $ gauge (Info "withings_last_weight" "Last User weight"))
<*> register (counter (Info "withings_users" "Users count"))
addCounter metrics.users . fromIntegral . length =<< runHandler (listUsers info)
let servantPMW = prometheusMiddleware defaultMetrics $ Proxy @API
run serverEnv.serverPort $ prometheus def $ servantPMW $ app serverEnv oauthEnv info metrics
We can notice:
declares metric name and descriptionvector
declares labels
Finally, we used addCounter
to pre-populate user count at startup.
We can continue with endpoint instrumentation:
retrieveOauthHandler env info metrics code state = do
user <- fetchOauthTokens env info code state
liftIO $ incCounter metrics.users
-- ...
statsHandler env info metrics user = do
groupedWeights <- fetchStats $ withOauthBearer env info user
let fromFixed :: (Fractional a, HasResolution b) => Fixed b -> a
fromFixed fv@(MkFixed v) = (fromIntegral v) / (fromIntegral $ resolution fv)
nowGaugeValue <- fromFixed . nominalDiffTimeToSeconds . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> liftIO getCurrentTime
liftIO $
withLabel metrics.lastChecked user.getUserName $ \metric ->
setGauge metric nowGaugeValue
-- ...
So far so good, if we curl
the /metrics
# HELP withings_users Users count
# TYPE withings_users counter
withings_users 1.0
# HELP withings_last_checked Last time a User checked his/her stats
# TYPE withings_last_checked gauge
withings_last_checked{username="Gautier"} 1.6955709670325263e9
# HELP withings_last_weight Last User weight
# TYPE withings_last_weight gauge
withings_last_weight{username="Gautier"} 67.34
Finally we can set up some rules:
alert = "WeightLogForgotten";
for = "0m";
expr = ''time() - withings_last_checked{username="Gautier"} > 691200'';
labels.severity = "info";
annotations.summary = ''Info: logging weights should be done (last time was > 8 days ago)'';
alert = "WeightUnder";
for = "0m";
expr = ''withings_last_weight{username="Gautier"} < 66.5'';
labels.severity = "warning";
annotations.summary = ''Warning: you have lost too much weight (< 66.5 kg), call your nutritionist'';
alert = "WeightSignup";
for = "0m";
expr = ''withings_users > 1'';
labels.severity = "critical";
annotations.summary = ''Critical: someone signed up, you have been breached'';
So far so good, on a real project, I would create an associated dashboard and (probably) share it with stakeholders.