QuasiQuoting Smart Constructors
Gautier DI FOLCO October 11, 2023 [dev] #haskell #designWhile I was working on Bloodhound,
I have encountered IndexName
, defined as:
newtype IndexName
= IndexName Text
And exported (type and constructor), letting invalid index name to be built.
So, I have hidden the constructor and add a smart constructor enforcing the rules:
= do
let check explanation p = if p then Right () else Left explanation
check "Is empty" $ not $ T.null name
check "Is longer than 255 bytes" $ BS.length (T.encodeUtf8 name) < 256
check "Contains uppercase letter(s)" $ T.all (\x -> not (isLetter x) || isLower x) name
check "Includes [\\/*?\"<>| ,#:]" $ T.all (flip @_ @String notElem "\\/*?\"<>| ,#:") name
check "Starts with [-_+.]" $ maybe False (flip @_ @String notElem "-_+." . fst) $ T.uncons name
return $ IndexName name
mkIndexName name
It's great, but actually, to ease the testing, we have to come-up with a helper:
(\e -> error $ "hardcodedIndexName: cannot make IndexName from " <> show x <> " (" <> show e <> ")")
$ mkIndexName x
hardcodedIndexName x
Not great, but it can be an issue in production (either you have to reuse the
previous function, with the risk of having unexpected/hard-to-debug errors,
or deal with Either
To avoid that we can use QuasiQuotes
which will allow my to have compile-time errors:
Which gives:
tests/Test/Common.hs:19:13-54: error:
• Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
user error ('-bloodhound-tests-twitter-1' is not a valid IndexName (Starts with [-_+.]) at tests/Test/Common.hs:(19,26)-(19,26))
Code: template-haskell-
qqIndexName "-bloodhound-tests-twitter-1"
• In the quasi-quotation:
19 | testIndex = [qqIndexName|-bloodhound-tests-twitter-1|]
Finally, the QuasiQuotes is defined as follows:
{ quoteExp = \str -> do
loc <- location
IndexName n <- runIO $ parseIO mkIndexName loc str
pure $ AppE (ConE 'IndexName) (LitE (StringL $ T.unpack n)),
quotePat = undefined,
quoteType = undefined,
quoteDec = undefined
parseIO p loc str =
case p $ T.pack str of
Left err ->
throwIO $
userError $
[ "'",
" is not a valid IndexName ",
T.unpack err,
" at ",
loc_filename loc,
show (loc_start loc),
show (loc_start loc)
Right a ->
return a
Note: I warmly encourage you to have a look at Well-Typed's article to go further.