Haskell Type Reflection Anti-pattern
Few days ago I was mob programming with my teammates, we had to write some tests for an Event Sourcing Projection which use legacy events to produce new events.
Our tests are running against an in-memory event store which represents events as follows:
data StoredEvent
= forall a. (Typeable a) => StoredEvent (TypeRep a) a
mkStoredEvent x = StoredEvent (typeOf x) x
our business events have this form:
data TimerEvent
= Started
| Ended
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Typeable)
data MediaEvent
= Played
| Stopped
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Typeable)
in addition of that, we have dedicated types to enrich them:
data WithMeta a = WithMeta
{ time :: String,
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
The goal of the test was to check that, for some legacy events, new events are correct.
This issue is that our event store does not give type-level information on the event type, which means we need a way to decode them.
Another concern regarding WithMeta
, which should be removed when not required.
It should behave as follows:
describe "Working" $ do
it "Meta Timer in Meta Timer" $
decodeInline (mkStoredEvent $ WithMeta "Sun" Started) `shouldBe` Just (WithMeta "Sun" Started)
it "Timer in Meta Timer" $
decodeInline (mkStoredEvent $ WithMeta "Sun" Started) `shouldBe` Just Started
it "Timer in Timer" $
decodeInline (mkStoredEvent Started) `shouldBe` Just Started
describe "Not working" $ do
it "Meta Timer in Meta Media" $
decodeInline (mkStoredEvent $ WithMeta "Sun" Played) `shouldBe` Nothing @(WithMeta TimerEvent)
it "Timer in Meta Media" $
decodeInline (mkStoredEvent $ WithMeta "Sun" Played) `shouldBe` Nothing @TimerEvent
it "Timer in Media" $
decodeInline (mkStoredEvent Played) `shouldBe` Nothing @TimerEvent
By default, Haskell does not let you access to type information at runtime,
we have to rely on Typeable
The base function is defined as follows:
decodeFinal cTypeRep cPayload =
case eqTypeRep cTypeRep (typeRep @event) of
Just HRefl -> Just cPayload
Nothing -> Nothing
The magic comes from eqTypeRep
which compares TypeRep a
and TypeRep b
and if they match emits Just HRefl
which, once match, implies a ~ b
Then we do something I find bad:
decodeInline (StoredEvent eTypeRep ePayload) =
decodeFinal eTypeRep ePayload <|> unwrapWithMeta
unwrapWithMeta =
case eTypeRep of
App wrapperType wrappedType
| Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep wrapperType (typeRep @WithMeta) ->
decodeFinal wrappedType ePayload.value
_ -> Nothing
It works as follows: try to directly match types, or unwrap WithMeta
and try
again (regardless event
is WithMeta a
or not).
So, not only you might do extra work, but you'll be forced to add some code here for each new wrapping types.
Above all, I think dynamically (via reflection) changing the behavior breaks the ability to reason from type signatures, it should be avoided, there are no excuses here, as we have this information at Type-Level.
An alternative approach would be to define a type class:
and finally few instances:
decodeClass stored@(StoredEvent eTypeRep ePayload) =
decodeFinal eTypeRep ePayload <|> (value <$> decodeClass stored)
decodeClass (StoredEvent eTypeRep ePayload) =
decodeFinal eTypeRep ePayload
is not great, but at least it simplifies the code and
allows extensibility.
Note: usually I prefer to have Type-Level information regarding which kind of events I'm dealing with. Moreover, I would rely on production serialisation (e.g. json, avro, etc.)