Access Control: Attribute-based Access control
Gautier DI FOLCO December 17, 2023 [dev] #haskell #access control #security #draft conceptsPreviously we have seen Role-based Access control, we have seen it has two shortcomings:
- We have to create one role per access
- We have to dynamically assign roles if we want to deal with ownership
Here comes Attribute-based Access control (ABAC).
The idea is simple, instead of an identifier (a role or a subject) and a target (a resource), we give a set of attributes (resource/role/subject/context information) and an expression rule.
Note: the context can be a lot of things such as time of system state.
Note 2 : it is the mechanism used in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy definition
Let's start with some types:
data Attribute
= Role Role
| Actor Actor
| Resource Resource
| Action Action
| Arbitrary Text Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
data AbacRules
= Or AbacRules AbacRules
| And AbacRules AbacRules
| Has Attribute
| Match (Attribute -> Attribute -> Bool)
our trick to deal with ownership as it helps us to zip the attributes-set
on it-self, so we can define it as:
Match $ \x y ->
case (x, y) of
(Actor actor, Resource (FileOwnBy owner)) -> actor == owner
_ -> False
We can exercise it with some tests:
describe "ABAC" $ do
let rules =
Has (Role Admin)
`Or` isOwner
`Or` (Has (Resource Motd) `And` Has (Action Read))
[ ([Resource Motd, Action Read, Actor Alice, Role SimpleUser], True),
([Resource Motd, Action Write, Actor Alice, Role SimpleUser], False),
([Resource Motd, Action Write, Actor Bob, Role Admin], True),
([Resource (FileOwnBy Alice), Actor Alice], True),
([Resource (FileOwnBy Alice), Actor Charlie], False)
$ \tc@(attributes, expected) ->
it (show tc) $
canAbac rules (Set.fromList attributes) `shouldBe` expected
And finally the implementation:
case rules of
Or x y -> canAbac x attributes || canAbac y attributes
And x y -> canAbac x attributes && canAbac y attributes
Has x -> Set.member x attributes
Match p -> or [p x y | x <- Set.toList attributes, y <- Set.toList attributes]
canAbac rules attributes