Access Control: Capabilities
Gautier DI FOLCO January 03, 2024 [dev] #haskell #access control #security #draft conceptsIn the previous log, we have introduced DAC, I have stated that ownership is not the only way to do it.
Let's introduce Capabilities.
The basic idea is similar to physical key: you have a token (usually identified by a random string) with associated permissions, then, when you have to perform an action, you check against them.
Let's sketch this out:
type Capabilities token action = Map.Map token (Set.Set action)
canCapabilities capabilities token action =
Set.member action $
Map.findWithDefault mempty token capabilities
It's the simplest scheme we have seen so far.
A common practice is to limit token to few resources and permissions, which gives really fine-grain access control.
Moreover, you can easily extend (add new permissions), attenuate (remove permissions), or revoke them specifically. The another option, if your system allows it, is to emit new tokens with attenuated permissions in order to share them.
There are two main drawbacks:
- You have to set up some kind of keychain (a bit like Bitcoin's wallets which contains all keys to access to each transactions' outputs, Bitcoin does not work like a purse where all the coins are put, instead you get access to a set of transactions' outputs and you "give" some outputs accesses to create new transactions)
- Tracking accesses (i.e. linking accesses to specific actors) is difficult