Extreme branchless: containers

Sometime ago, I have written about a branchless (i.e without explicit control-flow) solution to fizzbuzz.

While control-flow is less damaging in functional programming (it's type-checked and completness-checked), I was challenged to go further.

As a reminder, there is still control-flow under the hood:

instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Maybe a) where
  Just x <> Just y = Just $ x <> y
  Just x <> Nothing = Just x
  Nothing <> Just x = Just x
  Nothing <> Nothing = Nothing

Not to mention functions on list.

I had an idea at the time, but I have failed to implement, it'll be the topic of this log and the next.

In pure lambda calculus, there are no, data structures, only functions, that's why we have to come-up with constructions like Church Encoding.

Let's start with Maybe which is a simple data type representing a value possibly missing:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

It comes with a function maybe with which you can do anything:

maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe def f =
    Nothing -> def
    Just x -> f x

It works as follows:

  • The value is missing (Nothing), default value is picked
  • The value is present (Just), then we apply the function on it

In order to use pure lambda calculus, we are limited to pure functions, let's express maybe in those terms:

newtype Maybe' a = Maybe' (forall b. b -> (a -> b) -> b)

Note: I have wrapped it to make instances definition easier

Maybe' is a wrapper around maybe type (more or less), let's see Just/Nothing are expressed:

nothing :: Maybe' a
nothing = Maybe' $ \def _ -> def

just :: a -> Maybe' a
just x = Maybe' $ \_ f -> f x

Again: nothing take the default value, value is given on the transformation function.

Then we can rewrite maybe:

maybe' :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe' a -> b
maybe' def f (Maybe' maybeValue) = maybeValue def f

And it's branchless, branching being delegated to Maybe' creation.

Then we can rewrite the two functions we need in our code:

fromMaybe' :: a -> Maybe' a -> a
fromMaybe' def maybeValue = maybe' def id maybeValue

instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Maybe' a) where
  x <> y =
    maybe' y (\xValue -> maybe' (just xValue) (\yValue -> just (xValue <> yValue)) y) x

The other place where have underneath pattern-matching is around lists.

In Haskell they are more or less implemented as such:

data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nill
-- data [] a = a : [] a | []

Moreover, we use it as streams (never-ending, thanks to laziness):

fizzs :: [Maybe String]
fizzs = cycle [Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz"]

We could define it in pure functions as:

data Stream a = Stream (forall b. (a -> Stream a -> b) -> b)

We have a function which takes an element and a Stream, giving a transformed value.

Let's add some sugar:

infixr 4 .:

(.:) :: a -> Stream a -> Stream a
x .: xs = Stream $ \g -> g x xs

Note: with algebraic data types we could write:

data Stream a = a .: Stream a

Then we could rewrite our stream functions:

numbers :: Stream String
numbers = show <$> it 1
  where it n = n .: it (n + 1)

fizzs :: Stream (Maybe' String)
fizzs = nothing .: nothing .: just "Fizz" .: fizzs

buzzs :: Stream (Maybe' String)
buzzs = nothing .: nothing .: nothing .: nothing .: just "Buzz" .: buzzs

Note how each binding ("function"/"variable") references itself.

It works (don't freeze) because laziness delays evaluation until force (e.g. usually in IO).

We could then define few functions:

instance Functor Stream where
  fmap f (Stream s) = Stream $ \g -> g (s $ \x _ -> f x) (s $ \_ xs -> fmap f xs)

headStream :: Stream a  -> a
headStream (Stream f) = f $ \x _ -> x

tailStream :: Stream a  -> Stream a
tailStream (Stream f) = f $ \_ xs -> xs

Quite straightforward:

  • headStream takes the element parameter
  • tailStream takes the Stream parameter

Then we can define zipWith which takes two Streams element by element:

zipWithStream :: (a -> b -> c) -> Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c
zipWithStream f (Stream s) (Stream t) =
  Stream $ \g -> g (f (s $ \x _ -> x) (t $ \x _ -> x)) (zipWithStream f (s $ \_ xs -> xs) (t $ \_ xs -> xs))

Taking the function, we apply the functions on heads then recursively on tails.

Finally, the (!!), which is a at:

atStream :: Int -> Stream a  -> a
atStream n s
  | n <= 0 = headStream s
  | otherwise = n - 1 `atStream` tailStream s
-- Alternatively it could be written as:
-- atStream n s = headStream $ iterate tailStream s !! n
-- or:
-- atStream n s = (headStream <$> iterate tailStream s) !! n
-- That's why developments cannot be consitents as they results of thousands of choices

infixr 4 `atStream'`

fizzbuzz :: Int -> String'
fizzbuzz n = n - 1 `atStream` fizzbuzzStream

So far so good, everything works, branchless (well, nearly, let's see what's missing in the next log).