Extreme branchless: primitives
Previously, we have tackled Maybe
But we still have many Algebraic data-types under the hood, such as... String
which are defined as:
type String = [Char]
A plain old list of Char
, let's define it.
A List
is a Stream
with a end (one more constructor):
newtype List a = List (forall b. b -> (a -> List a -> b) -> b)
We could define few utils:
toList =
[] -> List $ \h _ -> h
(x : xs) -> List $ \_ t -> t x (toList xs)
fromList (List f) = f [] (\h t -> h : fromList t)
Note: take some time to admire the simplicity of fromList
Then we need the Semigroup
is needed to merge "Fizz"
and "Buzz"
List f <> List g = List $ \h t -> f (g h t) (\h' t' -> t h' (t' <> List g))
We could redefine String
type String' = List Char
Additionally, we need Eq
and Show
show = show . fromList
List f == List g =
(g True (\_ _ -> False))
(\h t -> g False (\h' t' -> h == h' && t == t'))
Finally, GHC allows defining types instantiated from string symbols.
To do so, we need an instance
of IsString
, which has one function, taking
a String
, so it's easy as:
fromString = toList
So far so good, we have a framework to convert Algebraic Data Types to lambda calculus representation:
- One parameter per constructors
- All parameters are functions ending by the transformed existential type
- The resulting function ends by the transformed existential type
Sadly, we still have one place with pattern-matching:
atStream n s
| n <= 0 = headStream s
| otherwise = n - 1 `atStream` tailStream s
Yes, you read it correctly: Number
Hopefully, there is a famous way to represent them: Church Encoding.
The basic idea is: we have a function, which applies n
times a given function:
newtype Natural = Natural (forall x. (x -> x) -> x -> x)
So we have:
zero = Natural $ \_ x -> x
one = Natural $ \f x -> f x
two = Natural $ \f x -> f (f x)
So we can rewrite atStream
infixr 4 `atStream'`
atStream' (Natural n) s = headStream $ n tailStream s
It's way simpler: tailStream
is applied n
times, then we fetch headStream
Sadly, we won't implement subtraction
for the moment, let's adjust fizzbuzz
fizzbuzz' n = n `atStream'` error "FizzBuzz isn't defined at 0" .: fizzbuzzStream
Finally, as for String'
, we can implement Show
(display) and Num
numbers operation and converting from symbols, like IsString
Natural m + Natural n = Natural $ \f x -> m f (n f x)
Natural m * Natural n = Natural $ \f x -> m (n f) x
abs = id
signum (Natural n) = Natural $ \f x -> n (const $ f x) x
fromInteger =
0 -> Natural $ \_ x -> x
n | n < 0 -> error "Church Natural can't be negative"
| otherwise -> let Natural m = fromInteger (n - 1) in Natural $ \f x -> f (m f x)
(-) = error "Church Natural can't be subtracted"
show (Natural f) = show $ f (1 +) 0
Note: we have left some parts not implemented, partly due to a more complex
implementation, partly because Num
is too big and deserves to be split.
And that's it, a pure, end-to-end fizzbuzz branchless.
Done correctly, adding the right constraint, how extreme is it, can improve a design, even this style improved ergonomics.