Extreme branchless: Cupcake functional style

In my previous log we had a look at the Cupcake kata.

I've mentioned that, this kata was thought to practice OOP's Design Pattern Decorator.

Which led to this design:

data Cake = Cake
  { symbol :: String
  , price :: USDAmount
  , toppings :: List String

cookie :: Cake
cookie =
  Cake {symbol="πŸͺ", price=200, toppings=mempty}

cupcake :: Cake
cupcake =
  Cake {symbol="🧁", price=100, toppings=mempty}
Then we can have a type for toppings, which wraps `Cake`:

type Topping = Cake -> Cake

mkTopping :: String -> USDAmount -> Topping
mkTopping symbol' price' cake = cake { price = cake.price + price', toppings = cake.toppings <> [symbol']}

chocolate :: Topping
chocolate = mkTopping "🍫" 10

nuts :: Topping
nuts = mkTopping "πŸ₯œ" 20

cakeName :: Cake -> String
cakeName cake = cake.symbol <> toppingsName
  where toppingsName = runList "" (\h t -> " with " <> h <> multipleToppings t) cake.toppings
        multipleToppings = runList "" (\h t -> " and " <> h <> multipleToppings t)

While acceptable, we can argue that cakeName:

  • is branchless only thanks to List
  • is quite complex

The root of the problem comes from the constraint to implement an Object-Oriented Design (Pattern) in a functional language.

OOP has design patterns to workaround technical limitations, FP has mostly libraries working on structure (and few patterns).

Cake does too much, let's start splitting it.

Cake should be a basic cake:

data Cake = Cake
  { name :: String
  , price :: USDAmount

cookie :: Cake
cookie =
  Cake {name="πŸͺ", price=200}

cupcake :: Cake
cupcake =
  Cake {name="🧁", price=100}

Then we have Toppings, which represents toppings alone:

data Toppings = Toppings
  { name :: String
  , price :: USDAmount

chocolate :: Toppings
chocolate = Toppings {name="🍫", price=10}

nuts :: Toppings
nuts = Toppings {name="πŸ₯œ", price=20}

Finally, we need a way to combine them:

data CakeWithToppings = CakeWithToppings
  { name :: String
  , price :: USDAmount

withToppings :: Cake -> Toppings -> CakeWithToppings
withToppings cake toppings = CakeWithToppings {name=cake.name <> " with " <> toppings.name, price=cake.price + toppings.price}

It was a bit brutal, if you hadn't noticied, we have moved from Topping to Toppings, this allows us to combine it through a Semigroup:

instance Semigroup Toppings where
  x <> y = Toppings {name=x.name <> " and " <> y.name, price=x.price + y.price}

In short:

  • Combining two Toppings adds a " and " and gives a new Toppings
  • Combining a Cake with a Toppings adds a " with " and gives a CakeWithToppings

Entirely type-safe (no risk to add multiple Toppings or Cakes together), purely branchless, types-driving.

Notes: to give an idea of the usage, test-cases have been rewritten as such:

testCases :: [(String, String, String, USDAmount, USDAmount)]
testCases =
  [ mkTestCase "cupcake" cupcake "🧁" 100
  , mkTestCase "cookie" cookie "πŸͺ" 200
  , mkTestCase "cupcake with chocolate" (cupcake `withToppings` chocolate) "🧁 with 🍫" 110
  , mkTestCase "cookie with chocolate and nuts" (cookie `withToppings` (chocolate <> nuts)) "πŸͺ with 🍫 and πŸ₯œ" 230
  , mkTestCase "cookie with nuts and chocolate" (cookie `withToppings` (nuts <> chocolate)) "πŸͺ with πŸ₯œ and 🍫" 230
  , mkTestCase "cookie with nuts" (cookie `withToppings` nuts) "πŸͺ with πŸ₯œ" 220

Happy tasting!