Extreme branchless: Supermarket Pricing

Continuing my branchless journey.

This time: Supermarket pricing kata.

While this kata aims to be thought experiment around Money and units, it's an interesting opportunity to apply some principles describe in the previous logs.

Let's start with the first rule:

three for a dollar (so what’s the price if I buy 4, or 5?)

The simplest case would be to only represent three items of $1:

describe "Three for a dollar" $ do
  it "base case" $
    threeForADollar `shouldBe` USDAmount 100

newtype USDAmount
  = USDAmount { unUSDAmount :: Int }
  deriving stock (Eq, Ord)

instance Show USDAmount where
  show (USDAmount x) = "$" <> printf "%.2f" (fromIntegral @_ @Float x / 100)

threeForADollar :: USDAmount
threeForADollar = USDAmount 100

Okay, let's get serious, we can add arbitrary numbers:

describe "Three for a dollar" $ do
  it "3 is $1" $
    threeForADollar' 3 `shouldBe` USDAmount 100
  it "5 is $2" $
    threeForADollar' 5 `shouldBe` USDAmount 200
  it "6 is $2" $
    threeForADollar' 6 `shouldBe` USDAmount 200
  it "7 is $2.50" $
    threeForADollar' 7 `shouldBe` USDAmount 250

We'll introduce two concepts we have seen in previous logs:

newtype Natural = Natural (forall x. (x -> x) -> x -> x)

instance Num Natural where
  Natural m + Natural n = Natural $ \f x -> m f (n f x)
  Natural m * Natural n = Natural $ \f x -> m (n f) x
  abs = id
  signum (Natural n) = Natural $ \f x -> n (const $ f x) x
  fromInteger =
      0 -> Natural $ \_ x -> x
      n | n < 0 -> error "Church Natural can't be negative"
        | otherwise -> let Natural m = fromInteger (n - 1) in Natural $ \f x -> f (m f x)
  (-) = error "Church Natural can't be subtracted"

instance Show Natural where
  show (Natural f) = show $ f (1 +) 0

data Chained a = Chained
  { current :: a
  , next :: Chained a

Note: Chained will help us to structure our "behavior"/"strategy" selection as such:

threeForADollar0 :: Chained USDAmount
threeForADollar0 =
  Chained {current= USDAmount 0, next=threeForADollar1}

threeForADollar1 :: Chained USDAmount
threeForADollar1 =
  Chained {current= USDAmount 50, next=threeForADollar2}

threeForADollar2 :: Chained USDAmount
threeForADollar2 =
  Chained {current= USDAmount 100, next=threeForADollar3}

threeForADollar3 :: Chained USDAmount
threeForADollar3 =
  Chained {current= USDAmount 100, next=threeForADollar1}

Finally, we can come up with a function which moves along the behaviors with the number of items:

threeForADollar' :: Natural -> USDAmount
threeForADollar' (Natural n) = (n (.next) threeForADollar0).current

And it... does not work:

  • 3 gives $1.00
  • 5 gives $0.50
  • 6 gives $1.00
  • 7 gives $0.50

Instead, we have to accumulate previous amount:

threeForADollar' :: Natural -> USDAmount
threeForADollar' (Natural n) = (n (.next) (threeForADollar0 $ USDAmount 0)).current

threeForADollar0 :: USDAmount -> Chained USDAmount
threeForADollar0 prev =
  Chained {current = prev, next = threeForADollar1 prev}

threeForADollar1 :: USDAmount -> Chained USDAmount
threeForADollar1 prev =
  Chained {current = prev + USDAmount 50, next = threeForADollar2 prev}

threeForADollar2 :: USDAmount -> Chained USDAmount
threeForADollar2 prev =
  Chained {current = prev + USDAmount 100, next = threeForADollar3 prev}

threeForADollar3 :: USDAmount -> Chained USDAmount
threeForADollar3 prev =
  Chained {current = prev + USDAmount 100, next = threeForADollar1 (prev + USDAmount 100)}

Note: threeForADollar1 and threeForADollar2 does not accumulate on next value, we could have, it's a design choice.

Let's tackle the next rule:

$1.99/pound (so what does 4 ounces cost?)

We can come up with some tests:

describe "Price per pound" $ do
  it "1lbs is $1.99" $
    pricePerPound (lbs 1) `shouldBe` USDAmount 199
  it "4oz is $0.50" $
    pricePerPound (oz 4) `shouldBe` USDAmount 50

On a purely practical level, we could either have pounds designed as Float/Double/Ratio, or as ounces with smart constructors (which will enable us to reuse Church encoding):

newtype Lbs
  = Lbs { getOz :: Natural }
  deriving stock (Show)

oz :: Natural -> Lbs
oz = Lbs

lbs :: Natural -> Lbs
lbs = Lbs . (*16)

Given that 1 lbs === 16 oz, we can simply multiply the number of ounces by 1/16 of $1.99:

pricePerPound :: Lbs -> USDAmount
pricePerPound (Lbs (Natural n)) =
  USDAmount $ ceiling @Double $ fromInteger (numerator ratio) * 199 / fromInteger (denominator ratio)
  where ratio = n (+ (1 % 16)) 0

Finally, the last rule of the kata:

buy two, get one free (so does the third item have a price?)

As a design decision, we'll represent each prices, dropping every 3rd element:

    describe "Buy two, get one free" $ do
      it "Two items only should sum" $
        threeForTwo [USDAmount 100, USDAmount 150] `shouldBe` USDAmount 250
      it "Five items only should sum without the third" $
        threeForTwo [USDAmount 100, USDAmount 150, USDAmount 200, USDAmount 250, USDAmount 300] `shouldBe` USDAmount 800

We can reuse our zipping mechanism from FizzBuzz:

threeForTwo :: [USDAmount] -> USDAmount
threeForTwo = sum . zipWith ($) (cycle [id, id, const (USDAmount 0)])