Extreme branchless: Mastermind

Continuing my branchless journey.

This time: Mastermind kata.

It works as follows:

  • A codemaker choose a secret (4 colored pegs, among 6 colors)
  • A codecracker mke a guess
  • The codemaker gives the number of well-placed and misplaced colors

Let's bootstrap some tests:

describe "Mastermind" $ do
  forM_ [
      (["blue"], ["blue"], (1, 0))
    ] $ \(secret, guess, expected) ->
      it ("with secret " <> show secret <> " guessing " <> show guess <> " should evaluate to " <> show expected) $
        evaluate secret guess `shouldBe` expected

We can hard-code the response:

evaluate :: [Color] -> [Color] -> (Int, Int)
evaluate secret guess = (1, 0)

newtype Color
  = Color String
  deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, IsString)

Then, we can add one color well-placed, and get the length to make it pass:

-- (["blue", "red"], ["blue", "red"], (2, 0))
evaluate :: [Color] -> [Color] -> (Int, Int)
evaluate secret guess = (length secret, 0)

The next interesting use-case is to have a color not present in the secret, filtering is simple to make it work:

-- (["blue", "red"], ["blue", "yellow"], (1, 0))
evaluate :: [Color] -> [Color] -> (Int, Int)
evaluate secret guess = (length $ filter (uncurry (==)) joined, 0)
  where joined = zip secret guess

Note: zip will "join" secret/guess element by element in tuples, then we can compare them one by one.

We have to tackle misplaced colors:

-- (["blue", "red"], ["yellow", "blue"], (0, 1))
evaluate :: [Color] -> [Color] -> (Int, Int)
evaluate secret guess = (length wellPlaced, length misplaced)
  where joined = zip secret guess
        wellPlaced = filter (uncurry (==)) joined
        (extraSecret, extraGuess) = unzip $ filter (uncurry (/=)) joined
        misplaced = filter (`elem` extraSecret) extraGuess

The first thing is to collect non-matching colors. We then separate non-matching secret/guess elements with unzip. Finally, count the number of wrong guess are in remaining secrets.

Then, we have to check that, each misplaced color, has the same number of remaining secrets:

-- (["blue", "blue", "orange", "orange"], ["blue", "yellow", "blue", "blue"], (1, 1))
evaluate :: [Color] -> [Color] -> (Int, Int)
evaluate secret guess = (length wellPlaced, missplacedCount)
  where joined = zip secret guess
        wellPlaced = filter (uncurry (==)) joined
        (extraSecret, extraGuess) = unzip $ filter (uncurry (/=)) joined
        toMap = Map.fromListWith (+) . flip zip (repeat 1)
        missplacedCount = sum $ Map.elems $ Map.intersectionWith min (toMap extraSecret) (toMap extraGuess)

The best way to achieve this is to rely on a Map Color, count the number of elements on each side and join by min.

This implementation is short enough, but there are many branches in the functions I have used.

Let's break this down, instead of filtering elements, we can accumulate a partial result we would be able to combined later, such as:

type Accumulator = (Sum Int, (Misplaced, Misplaced))

Misplaced contains a list, color-by-color count of misplaced elements:

data Misplaced = Misplaced
  { blues :: Int
  , reds :: Int
  , yellows :: Int
  , oranges :: Int
  , greens :: Int
  , purples :: Int
  deriving stock (Show)

instance Semigroup Misplaced where
  x <> y =
      { blues = x.blues + y.blues
      , reds = x.reds + y.reds
      , yellows = x.yellows + y.yellows
      , oranges = x.oranges + y.oranges
      , greens = x.greens + y.greens
      , purples = x.purples + y.purples

instance Monoid Misplaced where
  mempty =
      { blues = 0
      , reds = 0
      , yellows = 0
      , oranges = 0
      , greens = 0
      , purples = 0

We should add a function to get the definitive count:

countMisplaced :: Misplaced -> Misplaced -> Int
countMisplaced x y =
  min x.blues y.blues
  + min x.reds y.reds
  + min x.yellows y.yellows
  + min x.oranges y.oranges
  + min x.greens y.greens
  + min x.purples y.purples

Then, we should redesign Color, so it includes:

  • A function to get an Accumulator, on a comparison with another Color
  • An Accumulator per Color

Which gives this definition:

data Color = Color
  { name :: String
  , compareColor :: Color -> Accumulator
  , onBlue :: Misplaced -> Accumulator
  , onRed :: Misplaced -> Accumulator
  , onYellow :: Misplaced -> Accumulator
  , onOrange :: Misplaced -> Accumulator
  , onGreen :: Misplaced -> Accumulator
  , onPurple :: Misplaced -> Accumulator

instance Show Color where
  show = (.name)

Then we can build each Color, defaulting to errors and overriding fields according to their color:

mkColor :: String -> Misplaced -> (Color -> Misplaced -> Accumulator) -> (Color -> Color) -> Color
mkColor name' m access alter =
  alter $
      { name = name'
      , compareColor = \other -> access other m
      , onBlue = defaultOn
      , onRed = defaultOn
      , onYellow = defaultOn
      , onOrange = defaultOn
      , onGreen = defaultOn
      , onPurple = defaultOn
  where defaultOn m' = (Sum 0, (m, m'))

matchingAccumulator :: Misplaced -> Accumulator
matchingAccumulator _ = (Sum 1, (mempty, mempty))

Which gives:

blue, red, yellow, orange, green, purple :: Color
blue = mkColor "blue" (mempty { blues = 1 }) (.onBlue) (\x -> x { onBlue = matchingAccumulator })
red = mkColor "red" (mempty { reds = 1 }) (.onRed) (\x -> x { onRed = matchingAccumulator })
yellow = mkColor "yellow" (mempty { yellows = 1 }) (.onYellow) (\x -> x { onYellow = matchingAccumulator })
orange = mkColor "orange" (mempty { oranges = 1 }) (.onOrange) (\x -> x { onOrange = matchingAccumulator })
green = mkColor "green" (mempty { greens = 1 }) (.onGreen) (\x -> x { onGreen = matchingAccumulator })
purple = mkColor "purple" (mempty { purples = 1 }) (.onPurple) (\x -> x { onPurple = matchingAccumulator })

Let's use it in our tests:

spec :: Spec
spec =
  describe "Mastermind" $ do
    forM_ [
        ([blue], [blue], (1, 0))
      , ([blue, red], [blue, red], (2, 0))
      , ([blue, red], [blue, yellow], (1, 0))
      , ([blue, red], [yellow, blue], (0, 1))
      , ([blue, red, orange], [blue, yellow, blue], (1, 0))
      , ([blue, blue, orange, orange], [blue, yellow, blue, blue], (1, 1))
      ] $ \(secret, guess, expected) ->
        it ("with secret " <> show secret <> " guessing " <> show guess <> " should evaluate to " <> show expected) $
          evaluate secret guess `shouldBe` expected

Finally, let's rewrite evaluate:

evaluate :: [Color] -> [Color] -> (Int, Int)
evaluate secret guess =
  bimap getSum (uncurry countMisplaced)
    $ mconcat
    $ zipWith (.compareColor) secret guess

It works as follows:

  • We compare element by element with the built-in function
  • We get a list of Accumulators we combine into one though mconcat (which relies on Monoid)
  • Finally, we unwrap the well-placed Sum and countMisplaced total

Here we are!