I am Gautier DI FOLCO working as Staff Software Engineer / Senior Haskell developer @ LivTours, I'm also a freelancer, performing trainings/courses, software engineering (development, architecture, team building), mentoring, etc. I am a professional Software Engineer, I have a solid track record of working with business owners to understand project requirements whist working to improve overall functionality of existing systems. With repeated success working from remote locations, I am a skilled collaborator and trusted leader.
In short
- 🔭 I’m currently working as Staff Software Engineer / Senior Haskell developer @ LivTours.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning nix, Observability, Product management, Rust
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Haskell open source projects
- 💬 Ask me about Haskell, Backend development, Architecture
- 📫 How to reach me: gautier [dot] difolco [at] gmail [dot] com,
- 🔗 Other links: Personal website / Passeport
- ⚡ Fun fact: unbeatable pasta eater
Technologies currently used
- Haskell (Servant, Polysemy, Hasql, amazonka, colog), Bazel, Nix
- Github Actions
- Terraform
- AWS (OpenSearch, EKS, QuickSight)
- Apache Pulsar
- Kubernetes (ArgoCD, Istio)
- PostGreSQL