11 FebExtreme branchless: Langton Ant
04 FebExtreme branchless: Gilded Rose Part 2
28 JanEffects systems benchmark
21 JanExtreme branchless: Gilded Rose Part 1
14 JanExtreme branchless: FooBarQix
07 Jan2024 retrospective
31 DecExtreme branchless: Cupcake functional style
24 DecExtreme branchless: Cupcake
17 DecExtreme branchless: Bowling
10 DecExtreme branchless: Supermarket Pricing
03 DecExtreme branchless: Mars Rover
26 NovExtreme branchless: Game of Life
19 NovHacktoberfest 2024: My contributions
12 NovGDCR 2024: My participation summary
05 NovExtreme branchless: primitives
29 OctExtreme branchless: containers
22 OctNo value Software Engineer
15 OctCoding challenges retrospective
08 OctEvent sourcing migrations retrospective
02 Oct10 years mark
24 SepDesigning strongly typed range
17 SepBowling kata as a zipper
10 SepHaskell Legacy: Adding features
03 SepRetrospective of my time at Autogriff
27 AugHaskell Legacy: Pure projection
20 AugHaskell Legacy: CQRS
13 AugHaskell Legacy: Going event-first
06 AugHaskell Legacy: Reversing writes
30 JulHaskell Legacy: Creating events
23 JulHaskell Legacy: Extracting business logic and introducing effects
16 JulHaskell Legacy: Testing
09 JulHaskell Legacy: Introduction
02 JulPace in pair programming
25 JunIn-depth programming language is not the point
18 JunHaskell Ecosystem Workshop & ZuriHac 2024
24 MarThe end of a 666 days streak
20 MarIntroduction to GHC's Generics
17 MarFix aeson ToJSONKey/FromJSONKey derivation
13 MarFizzbuzz kata: branchless version
10 MarOOP has not invented encapsulation
06 MarTypes for building and types for running
03 MarTypes strengthening
28 FebeDSLs for tests
25 FebType-driven development applied: librarian
21 FebTypes and Tests
18 FebArchitecture Heuristic YNIA: Events metadata
14 FebHaskell: imports vs exports
11 FebHaskell refactorings
07 FebBypassing Prometheus SDK push model
04 FebNaming has a social convention
31 JanPrescriptivism and Descriptivism
28 JanSoftware inventory
24 JanScreaming Architecture
21 JanPersonal README
17 JanNeoViM: Improve Telescope (last edited) find files
14 JanAccess Control: Biscuit
10 JanAccess Control: topaz
07 JanAccess Control: Open Policy Agent
03 JanAccess Control: Capabilities
31 DecAccess Control: Mandatory vs Discretionary
27 DecAccess Control: Relationship-based Access control
24 DecAccess Control: Organisation-based Access control
20 DecAccess Control: Graph-based Access control
17 DecAccess Control: Attribute-based Access control
13 DecAccess Control: Role-based Access control
10 DecAccess Control: Context-based Access control
06 DecAccess Control: ACL
03 DecHomelab: Monthly certificate regeneration deployment issue
29 NovArchitecture Heuristic YNIA: Participants
26 NovGame of Life kata: branchless Grid
05 NovGDCR 2023: My participation summary
01 NovHacktoberfest 2023: My contributions
29 OctFrom custom Monad to Polysemy
25 OctImplementation-oriented Monad
22 OctHomelab: client certificates CRL regeneration
18 OctArchitecture Heuristic YNIA: Queues
15 OctHaskell Type Reflection Anti-pattern
11 OctQuasiQuoting Smart Constructors
08 OctNix: optimizing Haskell build size
04 OctHaskell contributions kick-start
01 OctTeam owned architecture
27 SepWitness functions
24 SepHomelab: Monitoring Withings
20 SepAnnouncing grafana-dashboards.nix
17 SepHomelab: Monitoring alerting through AlertManager
13 SepHomelab: Monitoring alerting
10 SepHomelab: Monitoring dashboards
06 SepHomelab: Monitoring introduction
03 SepHomelab: Secrets management
30 AugHomelab: Regenerating certificates
27 AugHomelab: Intermediate CA
23 AugHomelab: client certificates
20 AugHomelab: server certificates
16 AugHomelab: current state and plan
13 AugTest-Driven Development Freedom
09 AugWhat a good design is
06 AugMy history with ViM
02 AugDependencies management
30 JulA case against Haskell immersion
26 JulMy encounter with Caddy
23 JulBloodhound redesign progress
19 JulHaskell macros
16 JulNix: optimizing Haskell-based Docker-size
12 JulNew library: kill-bool
09 JulAbaks: OpenAPI
07 JulAbaks: Views
02 JulAbaks: A word on testing
28 JunAbaks: Drivers
25 JunAbaks: Interface Adapters - API
21 JunAbaks: Testing Use Cases
18 JunAbaks: Use Cases
14 JunAbaks: testing core domain
11 JunAbaks: commands
07 JunAbaks: events
04 JunAbaks: initial requirements
31 MayZsh: debugging git remotes completion
28 MayPolysemy: Scoped
24 MayPolysemy: Opaque
17 MayPolysemy: Onion architecture
14 MayPolysemy: Design heuristics: Hiding vs Exposing
10 MayPolysemy: Design heuristics: Dispatcher
07 MayPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - Lecture 10 - Built with plutus
03 MayPolysemy: Design heuristics: Hiding interpreters
30 AprPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - Lecture 9 - Stablecoin
26 AprDesign for collaboration
23 AprPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - Lecture 8 - Staking
21 AprPolysemy: released!
19 AprA reasonable hiring process
16 AprPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - Lecture 7 - Marlowe and hosted smart contracts
12 AprRetrospective of my first CTO experience
09 AprPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - Lecture 6 - Testing
05 AprPolysemy: Design heuristics: Grouping interpreters
02 AprPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - Lecture 5 - Minting
29 MarPolysemy: Design heuristics: Effects layering
26 MarPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - Lecture 4 - On-chain/Off-chain smart contract code and indexers
22 MarPolysemy: Design heuristics: Split by responsibility
19 MarPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - Ouroboros
15 MarPolysemy: Design heuristics: IO hunting
12 MarPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - lecture 3: Tests, Times, and Dapps
08 MarPolysemy: Async gotchas
05 MarPlutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort kick start
01 MarPolysemy: Strategy internals
26 FebPolysemy: Changing return
22 FebPolysemy: IO
19 FebPolysemy: NonDet
15 FebPolysemy: AtomicState
12 FebPolysemy: Fixpoint
08 FebPolysemy: Bundle
05 FebPolysemy: Higher order Effects and combined interpreters
01 FebPolysemy: Final vs Embed
29 JanPolysemy: Tactics binding deprecated workaround
25 JanPolysemy: Tactics binding
22 JanPolysemy: Strategies binding
18 JanPolysemy: Async
15 JanPolysemy: Higher-order effects with Final
11 JanPolysemy: Final
08 JanPolysemy: Higher-order effects introductions
04 JanPolysemy: Input
01 JanPolysemy: Embed
28 DecPolysemy: Interceptors to buffer
25 DecPolysemy: Introduction to Interceptors
21 DecPolysemy: Tagged effects
18 DecPolysemy: Interpretation and effects inline injection
14 DecPolysemy: Interpretation and effects injection
11 DecPolysemy: Introduction to Effect interpretation
07 DecPolysemy: Introduction to Effect definition
04 DecPolysemy: EffectRow design
30 NovPolysemy: EffectRow
27 NovPolysemy: Introduction to interpreters
23 NovPolysemy: An introduction
22 NovTDD: optimizing for inputs vs for outputs
20 NovContributors management
19 NovLocal vs Global optimum
16 NovHacktoberfest 2022: My feedback
15 NovProblems before solution
13 NovHacktoberfest 2022: My contributions
12 NovLanguage tourist
09 NovWrite for debug
08 NovUser Driven Design
06 NovGDCR 2022: My feedback
01 NovInitial log