Polysemy: Introduction to Interceptors
Gautier DI FOLCO December 25, 2022 [Haskell] #haskell #polysemy #design #effects systemsFrom time to time, you already have a some effects and interpreters setup, but you want to add some actions without changing the behavior.
It's one of the mechanism allowed by Aspect Oriented Programming.
Let's imagine an effect which mimics ElasticSearch indexing:
newtype Id = Id {getId :: Int}
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Document = Document {getDocument :: String}
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
data DocumentEffect (m :: Type -> Type) a where
CreateDocument :: Document -> DocumentEffect m Id
UpdateDocument :: Id -> (Document -> Document) -> DocumentEffect m ()
we can use it as follows:
= do
docId <- createDocument $ Document "initial"
updateDocument docId $ const $ Document "Updated"
updateDocument docId $ Document . (<> "!") . (.getDocument)
When thinking of multiple interpreters we might think of tests (and mechanisms such as mocks and spies).
In order to do a spy which counts the number of updates we can create an interceptor:
type CountUpdatesState = Map.Map Id Int
countUpdates =
intercept $
CreateDocument doc -> createDocument doc
UpdateDocument docId f -> do
modify @CountUpdatesState $
Map.alter (Just . maybe 1 succ) docId
updateDocument docId f
Note that we should explicitly forward calls to keep the behavior.
Then we can apply it in addition to the other interpreters:
print $ run $ runState @CountUpdatesState mempty $ runState @InMemoryState (mempty, 0) $ interpreterInMemory $ countUpdates logic
Giving the number of updates (2):
(fromList [(Id {getId = 0},2)],((fromList [(Id {getId = 0},Document {getDocument = "Updated!"})],1),()))
fromList [(Id {getId = 0},2)]
See the full the code here.