A software engineer website



Haskell Legacy: Extracting business logic and introducing effects -


From custom Monad to Polysemy -

Polysemy: Scoped -

Polysemy: Opaque -

Polysemy: Onion architecture -

Polysemy: Design heuristics: Hiding vs Exposing -

Polysemy: Design heuristics: Dispatcher -

Polysemy: Design heuristics: Hiding interpreters -

Polysemy: released! -

Polysemy: Design heuristics: Grouping interpreters -

Polysemy: Design heuristics: Effects layering -

Polysemy: Design heuristics: Split by responsibility -

Polysemy: Design heuristics: IO hunting -

Polysemy: Async gotchas -

Polysemy: Strategy internals -

Polysemy: Changing return -

Polysemy: IO -

Polysemy: NonDet -

Polysemy: AtomicState -

Polysemy: Fixpoint -

Polysemy: Bundle -

Polysemy: Higher order Effects and combined interpreters -

Polysemy: Final vs Embed -

Polysemy: Tactics binding deprecated workaround -

Polysemy: Tactics binding -

Polysemy: Strategies binding -

Polysemy: Async -

Polysemy: Higher-order effects with Final -

Polysemy: Final -

Polysemy: Higher-order effects introductions -

Polysemy: Input -

Polysemy: Embed -


Polysemy: Interceptors to buffer -

Polysemy: Introduction to Interceptors -

Polysemy: Tagged effects -

Polysemy: Interpretation and effects inline injection -

Polysemy: Interpretation and effects injection -

Polysemy: Introduction to Effect interpretation -

Polysemy: Introduction to Effect definition -

Polysemy: EffectRow design -

Polysemy: EffectRow -

Polysemy: Introduction to interpreters -

Polysemy: An introduction -