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Polysemy: Tactics binding

Gautier DI FOLCO January 25, 2023 [Haskell] #haskell #polysemy #design #effects systems

In a previous log, we introduced bindS providing a way to bind higher-order effects.

Tactics also provide *T equivalent, starting with our example:

data BindE (m :: Type -> Type) a where
  BindE :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> BindE m b

makeSem ''BindE

We can express a 'pure' interpreter:

interpretBindTactic :: InterpreterFor BindE r
interpretBindTactic =
  interpretH $
      BindE f g -> do
        ma <- runT f
        mf <- bindT g
        let runHoE = raise . interpretBindTactic
        runHoE ma >>= runHoE . mf

Unlike its Strategic equivalent, we are forced to explicitly interpret higher-order effects (runHoE helper).

We'll see what we can do with this extra freedom.

Let's see how it goes for Resource:

data Resource m a where
  Bracket :: m a -> (a -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> Resource m b

In order to have a working interpreter we have to use bindT:

runResource :: InterpreterFor Resource r
runResource =
  interpretH $
      Bracket alloc dealloc use -> do
        alloc' <- runS alloc
        dealloc' <- bindS dealloc
        use' <- bindS use

        let runHoE = raise . runResource
        resource <- runHoE alloc'
        result <- runHoE $ use' resource
        _ <- runHoE $ dealloc' resource
        pure result

Nothing new here, however, we are not relying on bracket anymore, so, if an error occurs, dealloc might not be run.

See the full the code here and here.