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Polysemy: Interpretation and effects inline injection

Gautier DI FOLCO December 18, 2022 [Haskell] #haskell #polysemy #design #effects systems

In a previous log we have seen a way to cache computation and a way to inject effects.

Let see what it take to build a caching effect:

data Cache k v (m :: Type -> Type) a where
  Cached :: k -> Cache k v m v

As opposed to View, we have a cache per key and not a global cache, it could lead to memory leaks.

We can use it as follows:

app :: Members '[Embed IO, Cache String String] r => Sem r ()
app = do
  name0 <- cached "name"
  embed $ putStrLn $ "Your name is " <> name0
  location0 <- cached "location"
  embed $ putStrLn $ "Your location is " <> location0
  name1 <- cached "name"
  location1 <- cached "location"
  embed $ putStrLn $ "Hello " <> name1 <> " from " <> location1

It let use with the interpreter:

runCache :: forall k v r. Ord k => (k -> Sem r v) -> InterpreterFor (Cache k v) r
runCache f =
  evalState mempty
  . interpret (\case
        Cached k -> do
          currentCache <- get @(M.Map k v)
          case currentCache M.!? k of
            Nothing -> do
              v <- raise $ f k
              put $ M.insert k v currentCache
              return v
            Just v -> return v
  . raiseUnder @(State (M.Map k v))

It can be understood this way:

  1. Add a new effect with raiseUnder (so we have (State (M.Map k v) ': r))
  2. Get current cache
  3. Run the computation when key is missing (here we are forced to use raise since f only gives Sem r)
  4. Run the State effect

Finally, here's what it gives:

What's your name?
Your name is Gautier
What's your location?
Your location is France
Hello Gautier from France

See the full the code here.