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Plutus: Pioneers Program 4th cohort - lecture 3: Tests, Times, and Dapps

Gautier DI FOLCO March 12, 2023 [HaskellBlockchain] #haskell #cardano #smart contracts

Following the Plutus Pioneers Program 1st & 2nd lectures, this one takes a step closer to real world use cases.

We are able to tests validators, let's have a look at on of this week tests:

good "Deadline: 6000; TxValidRange (6999, 6999)" $ testBeneficiary1 6000 0 0 1

good comes with bad and are design to detect errors:

bad msg = good msg . mustFail
good = testNoErrors (adaValue 10_000_000) cfg

We can look deeper at the tests definition:

testBeneficiary1 :: POSIXTime -> POSIXTime -> POSIXTime -> Slot -> Run ()
testBeneficiary1 deadline curMinT curMaxT wSlot = do
  users <- setupUsers
  let [u1, u2, u3] = users
      dat = H1.VestingDatum u1 u2 deadline
  testHomework1 u1 u3 dat curMinT curMaxT wSlot

testHomework1 :: PubKeyHash -> PubKeyHash -> H1.VestingDatum -> POSIXTime -> POSIXTime -> Slot -> Run ()
testHomework1 sigUser receiver dat curMinT curMaxT wSlot = do
  let val = adaValue 100
  checkBalance (gives sigUser val script1) $ do
    sp <- spend sigUser val
    submitTx sigUser $ vestingTx1 dat sp val
  waitNSlots wSlot
  utxos <- utxoAt script1
  let [(vestRef, vestOut)] = utxos
  checkBalance (gives script1 (txOutValue vestOut) receiver) $ do
    range <- currentTimeInterval curMinT curMaxT
    tx <- validateIn range $ claimingTx1 receiver dat vestRef (txOutValue vestOut)
    submitTx sigUser tx

vestingTx1 :: H1.VestingDatum -> UserSpend -> Value -> Tx
vestingTx1 dat usp val =
    [ userSpend usp
    , payToScript script1 (HashDatum dat) val

claimingTx1 :: PubKeyHash -> H1.VestingDatum -> TxOutRef -> Value -> Tx
claimingTx1 pkh dat vestRef vestVal =
    [ spendScript script1 vestRef () dat
    , payToKey pkh vestVal

type Homework1Script = TypedValidator H1.VestingDatum ()

script1 :: Homework1Script
script1 = TypedValidator $ toV2 H1.validator

The most interesting part is testHomework1 which:

Actually, in order for a transaction to be validated regarding time is to check the ScriptContext (the third validator argument):

data ScriptContext = ScriptContext
    { scriptContextTxInfo :: TxInfo
    , scriptContextPurpose :: ScriptPurpose

data TxInfo = TxInfo
    { txInfoInputs          :: [TxInInfo] -- ^ Transaction inputs
    , txInfoReferenceInputs :: [TxInInfo] -- ^ Transaction reference inputs
    , txInfoOutputs         :: [TxOut] -- ^ Transaction outputs
    , txInfoFee             :: Value -- ^ The fee paid by this transaction.
    , txInfoMint            :: Value -- ^ The 'Value' minted by this transaction.
    , txInfoDCert           :: [DCert] -- ^ Digests of certificates included in this transaction
    , txInfoWdrl            :: Map StakingCredential Integer -- ^ Withdrawals
    , txInfoValidRange      :: POSIXTimeRange -- ^ The valid range for the transaction.
    , txInfoSignatories     :: [PubKeyHash] -- ^ Signatures provided with the transaction, attested that they all signed the tx
    , txInfoRedeemers       :: Map ScriptPurpose Redeemer
    , txInfoData            :: Map DatumHash Datum
    , txInfoId              :: TxId
    -- ^ Hash of the pending transaction (excluding witnesses)

txInfoValidRange is a field specifying the transaction time validity.

Meaning that, whenever a transaction is sent to a node, the node check it with the availability of txInfoInputs.

type POSIXTimeRange = Interval POSIXTime

-- | POSIX time is measured as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
newtype POSIXTime = POSIXTime { getPOSIXTime :: Integer }

--   The interval can also be unbounded on either side.
data Interval a = Interval { ivFrom :: LowerBound a, ivTo :: UpperBound a }

-- | A set extended with a positive and negative infinity.
data Extended a = NegInf | Finite a | PosInf

-- | Whether a bound is inclusive or not.
type Closure = Bool

-- | The upper bound of an interval.
data UpperBound a = UpperBound (Extended a) Closure

-- | The lower bound of an interval.
data LowerBound a = LowerBound (Extended a) Closure

By default, it's set to -Inf / +Inf.

In order for transactions to be validated by the node we should be able to craft the transaction and so, putting a time range.

The thing is, Ourobos (the consensus protocol) use slot as time measure (which is currently fixed and set at 1 second, going back and forth is easy).

However it can be changed by a hard fork in the future, meaning that setting a far upper bound may break the contract validation).

Beyond 36 hours, the slot length cannot be guaranteed (hard forks are announced at least 36 hours).

So, you can create a validator script with a far upper bound, but you'll have to create a transactions only few hours before the upper bound's end.

The last part of this lecture is an introduction to DApps, which are applications interacting with the Cardano blockchain as they would do for regular APIs.

On another hand, transactions are forged as we would via the cardano-cli:

async function onVest() {
    const beneficiaryText = document.getElementById('vestBeneficiaryText');
    const beneficiary = beneficiaryText.value;
    const amountText = document.getElementById('vestAmountText');
    const amount = BigInt(parseInt(vestAmountText.value));
    const deadlineText = document.getElementById('vestDeadlineText');
    const deadline = BigInt(Date.parse(deadlineText.value));

    const d = {
        beneficiary: beneficiary,
        deadline: deadline,
    const datum = L.Data.to(d, VestingDatum);
    const tx = await lucid
        .payToContract(vestingAddress, { inline: datum }, { lovelace: amount })

    beneficiaryText.value = "";
    amountText.value = "";
    deadlineText.value = "";

async function onClaim() {
    const pkh = await getCardanoPKH();

    const referenceText = document.getElementById('claimReferenceText');
    const reference = referenceText.value;

    const utxo = await findUTxO(reference);
    if (utxo) {
        const tx = await lucid
            .collectFrom([utxo.utxo], L.Data.to(new L.Constr(0, [])))
    } else {
        console.log("UTxO not found");

    referenceText.value = "";

Finally, lucid, the library used to interact with the nodes, is initialized upon the nami wallet and the blockfrost API service.

async function loadCardano() {
    const nami = window.cardano.nami;
    if (!nami) {
    } else {
        const api = await nami.enable();
        console.log('nami enabled');
        const lucid = await L.Lucid.new(
            new L.Blockfrost("https://cardano-preview.blockfrost.io/api/v0", "preview1JXEDVldkIyBkxEUrEx3n9ll4afFK1Xj"),
        console.log('lucid active');
        return lucid;

Even though it's a quick way to get a PoC, I wouldn't expose my API Key directly.

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