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NeoViM: Improve Telescope (last edited) find files

Gautier DI FOLCO January 17, 2024 [dev] #dev #development #flow #tools #neovim #lua

Sometimes ago I have stated I was using ViM.

After Bram Moolenaar's death, ViM's future was changed and I could not hope for Tree-sitter integration anymore, so, after a while, I have decided to move to NeoViM.

I usually reflect on my workflow early in the morning, before the breakfast, one of the thing I have noticed, using Telescope to find/open files, is my tendency to re-open the same files over and over during a coding session.

For example, I open A.hs to mainly work on it, then temporarily open B.hs to check or change something, close it, keep working on A.hs, then open C.hs change something, close it, keep working on A.hs, re-open B.hs, etc.

I have tried telescope-recent-files / telescope-all-recent, but they were too limited (displaying only recent files), or heavy (requiring SQLite), so I have decided to come up with my own solution.

To build a Telescope you need few things:

Let's start with the configuration:

require('telescope').setup {
    defaults = {
        file_sorter = opened_files_sorter,

A Sorter is actually an object:

local function opened_files_sorter(opts)
    opts = opts or {}

    local sorters = require("telescope.sorters")

    local fuzzy_sorter = sorters.get_fzy_sorter(opts)

    return sorters.new {
        scoring_function = function(_, prompt, line, entry, cb_add, cb_filter)
            -- here will be the logic
        highlighter = fuzzy_sorter.highlighter,

A Sorter is composed by:

I have decided to take de builtin fuzzer sorter as basis.

Let's rely on it as first implementation:

local function opened_files_sorter(opts)
    opts = opts or {}

    local sorters = require("telescope.sorters")

    local fuzzy_sorter = sorters.get_fzy_sorter(opts)

    return sorters.new {
        scoring_function = function(_, prompt, line, entry, cb_add, cb_filter)
            local FILTERED = -1
            local filepath = vim.fn.resolve(vim.fn.getcwd() .. '/' .. entry.value)

            local base_score = fuzzy_sorter:scoring_function(prompt, line, entry, cb_add, cb_filter)
            if base_score == FILTERED then
                return FILTERED

            return base_score
        highlighter = fuzzy_sorter.highlighter,

Then we should collect opened files:

local opened_files_since_start = {}
local function update_opened_files()
    local current_file = vim.fn.expand('%:p')
    opened_files_since_start[current_file] = true

-- In config
local autocmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd
autocmd('BufReadPost', {
    pattern = '',
    callback = update_opened_files

so we can change the score regarding opened files:

local function opened_files_sorter(opts)
    opts = opts or {}

    local sorters = require("telescope.sorters")

    local fuzzy_sorter = sorters.get_fzy_sorter(opts)

    return sorters.new {
        scoring_function = function(_, prompt, line, entry, cb_add, cb_filter)
            local FILTERED = -1
            local filepath = vim.fn.resolve(vim.fn.getcwd() .. '/' .. entry.value)

            local base_score = fuzzy_sorter:scoring_function(prompt, line, entry, cb_add, cb_filter)
            if base_score == FILTERED then
                return FILTERED

            if opened_files_since_start[filepath] then
                return 0.001 * base_score
                return base_score
        highlighter = fuzzy_sorter.highlighter,

So far so good, to limit the results, I want to filter-out the currently opened files:

local function opened_files_sorter(opts)
    opts = opts or {}

    local sorters = require("telescope.sorters")

    local fuzzy_sorter = sorters.get_fzy_sorter(opts)

    return sorters.new {
        scoring_function = function(_, prompt, line, entry, cb_add, cb_filter)
            local FILTERED = -1
            local filepath = vim.fn.resolve(vim.fn.getcwd() .. '/' .. entry.value)

            for _, buf in ipairs(vim.fn.getbufinfo({ buflisted = 1 })) do
                if buf.windows and #buf.windows > 0 and buf.name == filepath then
                    return FILTERED

            local base_score = fuzzy_sorter:scoring_function(prompt, line, entry, cb_add, cb_filter)
            if base_score == FILTERED then
                return FILTERED

            if opened_files_since_start[filepath] then
                return 0.001 * base_score
                return base_score
        highlighter = fuzzy_sorter.highlighter,

And finally, I want to get rid of binary files (i.e. file extensions already listed in wildignore):

local function opened_files_sorter(opts)
    opts = opts or {}

    local sorters = require("telescope.sorters")

    local fuzzy_sorter = sorters.get_fzy_sorter(opts)

    return sorters.new {
        scoring_function = function(_, prompt, line, entry, cb_add, cb_filter)
            local FILTERED = -1
            local filepath = vim.fn.resolve(vim.fn.getcwd() .. '/' .. entry.value)

            for _, buf in ipairs(vim.fn.getbufinfo({ buflisted = 1 })) do
                if buf.windows and #buf.windows > 0 and buf.name == filepath then
                    return FILTERED

            for _, pat in ipairs(vim.split(vim.o.wildignore, ',')) do
                if match_glob(pat, filepath) then
                    return FILTERED

            local base_score = fuzzy_sorter:scoring_function(prompt, line, entry, cb_add, cb_filter)
            if base_score == FILTERED then
                return FILTERED

            if opened_files_since_start[filepath] then
                return 0.001 * base_score
                return base_score
        highlighter = fuzzy_sorter.highlighter,

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