A software engineer website

The end of a 666 days streak

Gautier DI FOLCO March 24, 2024 [career] #foss #engineering #career #retrospective

666 days streak

A while ago I have decided to do a 666 days streak of contributions on GitHub.

It was mostly for fun, but also to have a call-to-action for contributions.

At the time I was CTO and for various reasons (administrative tasks, meetings, big feature development) I was not pushing code every week-days. I needed a motivation to have faster feedbacks (and feedbacks starts with pushing code to users, everything else is just noise).

Note: 666 is my touch of hard rock fan

On another I have, as an engineer, to do some technology intelligence regularly, that's why I have started this web logs site (as a way to force myself to articulate things I have learned/experimented).

Over this period I have experienced few events which impacted my challenge:

To sustain the effort necessary to this challenge I had to set up a routine for my commits:

Here are the accomplishments I have made through this challenge:

I pretty glad of that as it full-filled it's role of call-to-action.

On the flip side it has some drawbacks:

What's next:

My long-term will include:

While the job market may not be the best at the moment, I will be ready when it'll be better.

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity

-- Seneca

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