2024 retrospective
2024 was an intense year, let's do a quick retrospective.
Regarding this website:
- Despite my 10 weeks break and a pace slow down, I have written 53 logs in 2024 vs 105 in 2023
- I have started two series:
- I have added a Talks page
Also, in my break log, I've mentioned, few objectives:
- Restart my Yoga practice
- I didn't find a regular time to practice
- Learn a new natural language: I have started German for ZuriHac since few weeks, I'll try to pick an eight one by the end of the year
- I've revised my Swedish, but I didn't focus on it
- Learn new programming languages: this year I have learned Lua and Rust (with a strong emphasis as I plan to change focus), I plan to learn Verse and Unison
- Same thing
- Refocus my career: I think my career is currently good, but I aim to reach the next level (few years ago I had rejected an offer from a Big Tech, I have some remorse, being part of a Big Tech is still on my bucket list), that's why I will:
- Regularly do leetcode challenges (I have done 3 exercises every week since the beginning of the year), in Rust
- I've completed roughly 200 challenges
- Regularly train on system design on article and mock interview per week
- I've read 2-3 system design articles pers week
- Work on my leadership skills (I have filled my RSS subscription with this topic, I still have to find an efficient way to train)
- I've read 3-4 leaderships articles per week
- Attempt Coding challenges in Rust
- I've attempted many challenges, it was a great move
- Regularly do leetcode challenges (I have done 3 exercises every week since the beginning of the year), in Rust
Something less visible on this site:
- I have changed job, going from employee to freelancer (administratively speaking)
- I have spent a lot of time optimizing my workflow/setup
- I have changed my homelab ca log will be dedicated to thatc
- I have made 23 FOSS contributions
I have no particular plans for 2025, however, I plan to:
- Keep writing one log per week
- At the moment of writing, I have planed 18 logs
- 5 are written
- 4 more have the underneath material done
- 6 more have a definite layout
- At the moment of writing, I have planed 18 logs
- Keep doing code kata
- Continue to learn about Rust