Polysemy: Higher order Effects and combined interpreters
In a previous log, we saw that we are able to call other interpreters during interpretations.
interpretBindTactic =
interpretH $
BindE f g -> do
ma <- runT f
mf <- bindT g
let runHoE = raise . interpretBindTactic
runHoE ma >>= runHoE . mf
It could be particularly useful when you have context changing higher-order effects.
Let's image a relational database effect:
data Db (m :: Type -> Type) a where
ExecQuery :: Statement args a -> args -> Db m (Either DbError a)
Transaction :: m a -> Db m a
makeSem ''Db
If we provide a single connection-interpreter everything works as transaction works for a connections:
interpretDbSingleConnectionTactic c = evalState False . interpretStatefully . raiseUnder
interpretStatefully =
interpretH $
ExecQuery s args -> do
result <- embed $ runQuery c s args
modify (|| isLeft result)
pureT result
Transaction t -> do
void $ embed $ runQuery c startTransaction ()
t' <- runT t
result <-
withLowerToIO $ \lower _ -> do
let toIO :: Sem (Db ': State Bool ': r) x -> IO x
toIO = lower . raise . interpretStatefully
toIO t'
hasError <- get
let finishStatement =
if hasError
then abortTransaction
else commitTransaction
void $ embed $ runQuery c finishStatement ()
pure result
However, if we a Pool
, we should run the transaction over one connection, so, we should call the other single connection interpreter:
interpretDbPoolTactic pool =
interpretH $
ExecQuery s args -> do
result <- embed $ runPool pool s args
pureT result
Transaction t -> do
t' <- runT t
withLowerToIO $ \lower _ ->
withConnection pool $ \c ->
lower $ raise $ interpretDbSingleConnectionTactic c $ transaction t'
See the full the code here.