Haskell Legacy: Going event-first
Gautier DI FOLCO August 13, 2024 [Haskell] #haskell #design #legacy #polysemyPreviously, we have reversed writes, which means that we write events, then we write the legacy tables.
As a reminder, we have some code looking like that:
interpret $
departureDate'@(DepartureDate departureDate)
departureStation'@(DepartureStation departureStation)
arrivalStation'@(ArrivalStation arrivalStation) -> do
newTrainId <- embed $ TrainId' <$> randomRIO (1000000, 9999999)
eventStored <-
(StreamId newTrainId.unTrainId')
(EventNumber 0)
{ departureDate = departureDate,
departureStation = departureStation,
arrivalStation = arrivalStation
case eventStored of
Left e -> throw $ EventStoreIAE e
Right x -> do
trainProjectionCreate newTrainId departureDate' departureStation' arrivalStation'
return newTrainId
TrainFetch trainId ->
trainProjectionFetch trainId
This was a first step, however it's temporal coupling, one of the worst type of coupling.
It means that we have established correlation (things happen together), not causation (things happen because they are linked by the relationships).
I'll rehash just to make the point: if tests are green, it's merely coincidental.
Your code will break (or force to change) if you:
- Add/change a view (model)/query/projection
- Reorder events persistence
- Add event persistence elsewhere
Instead of calling legacy effects as backup, we can create an interceptor in charge of it:
StreamId streamId) =
event@(TrainCreated {}) ->
(DepartureDate event.departureDate)
(DepartureStation event.departureStation)
(ArrivalStation event.arrivalStation)
event@(BookingCreated {}) ->
bookingProjectionCreate trainId (BookingId' $ fromIntegral event.id) event.travelerName
event@(BookingWithdrawn {}) ->
bookingProjectionDelete (BookingId' $ fromIntegral event.id)
trainId = TrainId' streamId
apiEventProjection (
For each event, we will perform an action to "synchronize" a stateful value.
It aims to be used with this interceptor:
intercept $
StoreEvent streamId eventNumber event -> do
result <- storeEvent streamId eventNumber event
forM_ result $ \() ->
raise $ f streamId event
return result
FetchEvents streamId ->
fetchEvents streamId
interceptEventStoreWith f
It works as follows:
- Fallbacks on the real
effect to persist the event - If the persistence succeeded, run the callback to perform the projection
- Return the result
Note: it is a really simple implementation, in the previous real world implementations I have done, I have relied on diffs (i.e. pushing multiples events and making diffs on local state, so it can be persisted independently).
We can drop the calls from our interpreter:
interpret $
(DepartureDate departureDate)
(DepartureStation departureStation)
(ArrivalStation arrivalStation) -> do
newTrainId <- embed $ TrainId' <$> randomRIO (1000000, 9999999)
eventStored <-
(StreamId newTrainId.unTrainId')
(EventNumber 0)
{ departureDate = departureDate,
departureStation = departureStation,
arrivalStation = arrivalStation
case eventStored of
Left e -> throw $ EventStoreIAE e
Right x -> return newTrainId
TrainFetch trainId ->
trainProjectionFetch trainId
and add it to our interpreters stacks:
. join
. fmap (either (throwIO . iaeToYesod) return)
. runM
. runError
. runEmbedded (flip runSqlPool pool)
. interpretBookingEffectPersistent
. interpretTrainProjectionEffectPersistent
. interpretEventStorePersistent
. interceptEventStoreWith apiEventProjection
. interpretBookingEffectEvents
. interceptTrainEffectEvents
runPersistent pool
Doing so allows us to add/change our views without impacting our main, event-sourced interpreters.