Haskell Legacy: Adding features
After a short break, let's go back to our Event-sourced API.
Until now, we have only changed the internals of our API.
Our goal is to eventually add a reservation system (I.e. given a train with limited tickets, customers should be able to temporarily "lock" tickets, until they make the payment or a timeout occurs).
To begin, we have to be able to create trains with a capacity:
data TrainEvent
= TrainCreated
{ departureDate :: T.Text,
-- ...
Note: here, I have choosen to add an optional field to an existing event, it's not bad per se, but it's done without event versioning or DTO. Moreover, it prevents us to have interesting types. Alternatively, we could either add a new event, or rewrite the events stream.
We then have to pass it along in the API (I skip it, since it's pretty mechanical).
Then, we have to check the capacity when booking is done:
interpretBookingEffectEvents =
interpret $
BookingCreate trainId travelerName -> do
let trainStreamId = StreamId trainId.unTrainId'
events <- fetchEvents trainStreamId
when (null events) $
throw NotFoundIAE
let capacityChange =
event@(TrainCreated {}) -> fromMaybe 1000000 event.capacity -- hopefully, no train will have 1 million traveler
BookingCreated {} -> -1
BookingWithdrawn {} -> 1
when (sum (capacityChange . snd <$> events) <= 0) $
throw TooMuchIAE
newBookingId <- embed $ BookingId' <$> randomRIO (1000000, 9999999)
void $
(EventNumber $ fromIntegral $ length events)
BookingCreated {id = fromIntegral newBookingId.unBookingId', travelerName = travelerName}
return newBookingId
Then we can add reservation events:
data TrainEvent
-- ...
| BookingReserved {token :: T.Text}
| BookingReservationWithdrawn {token :: T.Text}
We then have to add a new operation in the effect:
newtype BookingReservationToken = BookingReservationToken {unBookingReservationToken :: T.Text}
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic)
deriving newtype (FromJSON, ToJSON, PathPiece)
data BookingEffect (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) where
BookingReserve :: TrainId' -> BookingEffect m BookingReservationToken
BookingCreate :: TrainId' -> BookingReservationToken -> T.Text -> BookingEffect m BookingId'
BookingDelete :: TrainId' -> BookingId' -> BookingEffect m ()
We also have to adapt our API:
-- ...
newtype BookinReserveResponse = BookinReserveResponse
{ token :: BookingReservationToken
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON)
postReserveBookingR trainId = do
token <- runEffect $ bookingReserve trainId
return $ JSONResponse $ BookinReserveResponse token
newtype CreateBookingRequest = CreateBookingRequest
{ travelerName :: T.Text
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON)
postCreateBookingR trainId token = do
booking <- requireCheckJsonBody @_ @CreateBookingRequest
bookingId <- runEffect $ bookingCreate trainId token booking.travelerName
return $ JSONResponse $ CreatedResponse bookingId
Note: it would be a good use case for HATEOAS, if it had proper tooling.
Then, we can create our new interpretation:
BookingReserve trainId -> do
let trainStreamId = StreamId trainId.unTrainId'
events <- map snd <$> fetchEvents trainStreamId
when (null events) $
throw NotFoundIAE
let hasSpareTicket events = sum (capacityChange <$> events) <= 0
capacityChange =
event@(TrainCreated {}) -> fromMaybe 1000000 event.capacity -- hopefully, no train will have 1 million traveler
BookingCreated {} -> -1
BookingWithdrawn {} -> 1
BookingReserved {} -> -1
BookingReservationWithdrawn {} -> 1
when (hasSpareTicket events) $
throw TooMuchIAE
newBookingReservationToken <- embed $ T.pack . show <$> randomRIO @Int (1000000, 9999999)
void $
(EventNumber $ fromIntegral $ length events)
BookingReserved {token = newBookingReservationToken}
return $ BookingReservationToken newBookingReservationToken
-- ...
Finally, adapt our booking creation.
-- ...
BookingCreate trainId (BookingReservationToken token) travelerName -> do
let trainStreamId = StreamId trainId.unTrainId'
events0 <- fetchEvents trainStreamId
events <- map snd <$> fetchEvents trainStreamId
when (null events || BookingReserved token `notElem` events || BookingReservationWithdrawn token `elem` events) $
throw NotFoundIAE
newBookingId <- embed $ BookingId' <$> randomRIO (1000000, 9999999)
void $
(EventNumber $ fromIntegral $ length events)
BookingCreated {id = fromIntegral newBookingId.unBookingId', travelerName = travelerName}
void $
(EventNumber $ fromIntegral $ 1 + length events)
BookingReservationWithdrawn {token = token}
return newBookingId
-- ...
Note: we don't check again the capacity.
Lastly, we could imagine a system to regularly garbage collect old reservations.