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Haskell Legacy: CQRS

Gautier DI FOLCO August 20, 2024 [Haskell] #haskell #design #legacy #polysemy

In the last log we have refactored the code, so projections are built on top of previous effects:

apiEventProjection ::
  (Members '[TrainProjectionEffect, BookingProjectionEffect] r) =>
  StreamId ->
  TrainEvent ->
  Sem r ()
apiEventProjection (StreamId streamId) =
    event@(TrainCreated {}) ->
        (DepartureDate event.departureDate)
        (DepartureStation event.departureStation)
        (ArrivalStation event.arrivalStation)
    event@(BookingCreated {}) ->
      bookingProjectionCreate trainId (BookingId' $ fromIntegral event.id) event.travelerName
    event@(BookingWithdrawn {}) ->
      bookingProjectionDelete (BookingId' $ fromIntegral event.id)
    trainId = TrainId' streamId

The thing is, there are many indirections, instead, I would inline them:

apiEventPersistentProjection ::
  forall m r.
  (Members '[Embed (ReaderT SqlBackend m)] r, MonadIO m) =>
  StreamId ->
  TrainEvent ->
  Sem r ()
apiEventPersistentProjection (StreamId streamId) =
    event@(TrainCreated {}) ->
      embed $
            { trainTrainId = trainId,
              trainDepartureDate = event.departureDate,
              trainDepartureStation = event.departureStation,
              trainArrivalStation = event.arrivalStation
    event@(BookingCreated {}) ->
      embed $
            { bookingBookingId = BookingId' $ fromIntegral event.id,
              bookingTrainId = TrainKey trainId,
              bookingTravelerName = event.travelerName
    event@(BookingWithdrawn {}) ->
      embed $ delete $ from $ \b -> where_ (b ^. BookingId ==. val (BookingKey $ BookingId' $ fromIntegral event.id))
    trainId = TrainId' streamId

Everything related to projections is located at the same place.

Well, everything, not quite, as a reminder, we have this interpreter which has a view model based on a projection and a projection effect:

interceptTrainEffectEvents ::
  forall r.
  (Members '[EventStore TrainEvent, Embed IO, Error InternalApiError, TrainProjectionEffect] r) =>
  InterpreterFor TrainEffect r
interceptTrainEffectEvents =
  interpret $
      -- ...
      TrainFetch trainId ->
        trainProjectionFetch trainId

This is why we can introduce command query responsibility segregation (CQRS).

In brief, in means that there are two distinct paths: write (events) and read (persistent-based for the moment).

The first step is to split effects:

data TrainManagementEffect (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) where
  TrainCreate :: DepartureDate -> DepartureStation -> ArrivalStation -> TrainManagementEffect m TrainId'

makeSem ''TrainManagementEffect

data TrainViewEffect (m :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) where
  TrainFetch :: TrainId' -> TrainViewEffect m DisplayedTrain

makeSem ''TrainViewEffect

And finally interpreters:

interpretTrainViewEffectPersistent ::
  forall m r.
  (Members '[Embed (ReaderT SqlBackend m)] r, MonadIO m) =>
  InterpreterFor TrainViewEffect r
interpretTrainViewEffectPersistent =
  interpret $
      TrainFetch trainId -> do
        Entity _ train <- embed $ getBy404 $ TrainPrimaryKey trainId
        bookings <- embed $ select $ from $ \b -> where_ (b ^. BookingTrainId ==. val (TrainKey trainId)) $> b
        return $
            { departureDate = train.trainDepartureDate,
              departureStation = train.trainDepartureStation,
              arrivalStation = train.trainArrivalStation,
              travelers =
                  ( \entity ->
                        { bookingId = entity.entityVal.bookingBookingId,
                          travelerName = entity.entityVal.bookingTravelerName

interceptTrainManagementEffectEvents ::
  forall r.
  (Members '[EventStore TrainEvent, Embed IO, Error InternalApiError, TrainViewEffect] r) =>
  InterpreterFor TrainManagementEffect r
interceptTrainManagementEffectEvents =
  interpret $
        (DepartureDate departureDate)
        (DepartureStation departureStation)
        (ArrivalStation arrivalStation) -> do
          newTrainId <- embed $ TrainId' <$> randomRIO (1000000, 9999999)
          eventStored <-
              (StreamId newTrainId.unTrainId')
              (EventNumber 0)
                { departureDate = departureDate,
                  departureStation = departureStation,
                  arrivalStation = arrivalStation
          case eventStored of
            Left e -> throw $ EventStoreIAE e
            Right x -> return newTrainId